Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Its NaNoWriMo!

What is NaNoWriMo and why is it up on this site you ask?

Well, November is the National Novel Writing Month and its a very cool concept, you take the month of November to write your novel. The site itself is run as a non-profit to help you track your progress.

 National Novel Writing Month

At its core the concept is pretty simple if you write about 1,650 words per day you end up with about the length of a novel in a story. And if you're relatively quick about it and the idea flows then that goal isn't that much. But you aren't limited to writing a novel you can use this month to track pretty much any type of writing.

For example if you like to blog or are thinking about starting one up then the 50,000 or so words that typically make up a novel this would net you a whole lot of blog posts (500 one thousand word posts). That amount of writing would be enough to keep many a blog going for a very long time. But this site is meant for writing a novel.

Writing a novel, even one that never gets published is a huge accomplishment and one that many people would love to do this is one way to help encourage yourself to do it.

The idea is very cool, I highly encourage you to check it out.

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