Monday, November 21, 2005

Chrismas Cheer - Part 1

The streets glistened in the early evening light, everything was covered in a film of water from the rain that had been falling since noon. The streets were completely barren, it was almost depressing to be walking in them. Everyone was at home sitting by their TVs enjoying the day off, Christmas day, rarely a soul came outside. Today was one of those Christmas days that no one really enjoys, the temperature in the morning was a balmy 2 degrees and had hung that way all day long with a nice steady rain. But now it was snowing and pretty soon the snow would start to stick.

The weather people were calling for 30 centimeters over the next couple days. Though they’re wrong about as often as they’re right it seems that they might actually be correct this time. I’m not sure that they’ll be dead on the money, but we’re probably going to get a bunch of snow and blizzard like conditions. Should be a fun walk home.

A gust of wind burst around me as I walked between the buildings, who the hell works on Christmas day? Why would anyone be outside at all?

People would, though the weather might keep them inside today. The movie theatre always did good on Christmas day, for some reason people liked to get out of the house to see a movie. Maybe it was suspension of disbelief that they just spent way too much money buying gifts that weren’t all that great or not liked, or if liked, overpriced. This season brought out the best and the worst in people but over the years as I went from high school into university the trend seems to be towards the worst in people. Who cares about this holiday anyways.

Ah, the threatre, its start outside completely drenched and glistening in the light. It’ll be ice by the time I make it outside, Oh well nothing I can do about it. At least it’ll be nice and warm inside. Maybe I’ll be able to sneak in and watch part of a movie.

Might as well have a smoke before I get there, it’ll be disgusting later and I don’t want to have to ask for a break. None of the managers liked that, taking a bathroom break was one thing but taking one for a smoke, they didn’t like that at all, especially in the winter when you needed to get all bundled up. Pulling the pack out of my pocket I noticed it was rather light, I hope the convenience store will be open on the way home.

Of course it will dumbass, the Chinese guy that runs it is smart, he knows everything else will be closed, and people always run out of stuff last minute. Not to mention I don’t think it’s a holiday for him. Putting the smoke to my lips, lighting it with the trusty Zippo the wind whipped at my fingers, snow pelting my face and glasses. A couple minutes then warmth. Ah, nicotine, maybe I should quit one day, fuck it who cares. At least I’m getting paid to be out in this shit away from the stupidity of the season.

Fuck I hope they don’t make us wear those stupid elf hats again.

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