Thursday, November 24, 2005

Chance Encounters (Short)

Frank sat and watched a red pickup drive past the window, a woman was driving it, it was a bright red color with the sun making it seem brighter still. The woman had looked into the store as she drove by, she was young in her early twenties, had auburn hair and was wearing sun glasses.

I wonder who she is? Frank though to himself, I wonder what she’s like, if she has a family, if she’s married. I wonder if I’d like to meet her? Frank had been pondering a question all day now and he had been sitting in the coffee shop all day thinking about it. He was wondering if it really made sense to meet new people and get to know them, especially women. If you get to know someone Frank argued with himself, you eventually get to know all the things about them you don’t like. Like his friend Tommy, well not really his friend. He started hanging out with him and it turned out that Tommy was talking about him behind his back to the guys at work. What a two faced son of a bitch.

Frank sighed, just then the door to the coffee shop opened and the bell on the door made a noise. Looking up Frank saw the woman from the pick up that had just passed. His eyebrow raised, did it make sense to get to know this person? All her secrets, good and bad. All her desires and goals for life, good and bad? All her thoughts?

Frank’s thought trailed and he started daydreaming. He daydreamt of getting up talking to this girl, getting her phone number, dating her, sleeping with her, getting married, kids, a house, a car, summers at the lake, then being betrayed by her adulterous ways and finally getting a divorce and sitting in this very coffee shop wondering if it was worth it. He was lost in thought when he heard a voice, “Excuse me?”

Startled Frank looked around to hear where the voice was coming from and it was the woman from the truck again, she was sitting in the pair of chairs opposite him. He looked back at her and tilted his head to one side and replied with a question, “yes?”

“I was just wondering what you were thinking about. When I sat down you were staring off into space smiling, then your expression changed to anger then to sadness and you were elsewhere the whole time”

“Well… “

“I hope I’m not intruding I was just curious, you don’t see that very often”

Frank studied her for a sec before answering, she was very attractive and her sunglasses were off her face and she had very beautiful blue eyes and she was smiling at him. “Well I was thinking about what the benefits of meeting a new person are, all the good and the bad, and I think I’ve come up with there is good but the risk is just not worth it… I don’t think”

Her expression changed from a smile to a more stern expression, “You should always want to meet new people, they provide you with insights and ideas you would never have come across yourself. Not to mention experiences that you could never have experienced yourself, those ideas and experiences will shape who you are and what you do, without them you could sit in this coffee shop wondering what ifs all day long every day of your life till you died.”

Frank thought about it, “That’s a very interesting point” He thought about his daydream for a sec and a different ending appeared, this one with a happy ending. “You know I think you might have a point at least its worth a try and I can see if it’s worth it later.” He got up and took his coffee and walked over to where the girl was sitting and stood beside her, “Hi, my name is Frank what’s yours?”

“Hi Frank, my name is Michelle. It never hurts to try something out, care to join me?” She looked up at him smiling and gesturing to the empty seat beside her. “You’ll always learn something new from someone new you meet.”

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