Thursday, February 09, 2006

August 7th - Part III

After finishing breakfast I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door, it was a beautiful morning the sun was shining and a few wisps of clouds were floating by though there was a bit of crispness to the air. Taking in a deep breath I started towards the storage that we used for building supplies. It was simply a warehouse that we used for storing building supplies, as did others, it’s much easier to keep one storage building insulated and standing through the winters than everyone having their own. It was a fairly big building being it was 3 floors high but I was also one of the ugliest buildings in town, it looked like a big box, no windows only a couple doors.

I could see the monstrosity just down the street, the town was pretty quiet today, only a handful of people milling around. Just then I heard a familiar voice behind me, “Joesph, wait up!” Stopping and turning around I saw Em and couldn’t help but smile; her face was bathed in the morning sun and she looked radiant even though she was carrying a large bundle, “Hey Em! I’d give you a hug but my arms aren’t quite that long, want a hand?”

She walked up and gave me a kiss, “Sure thing, you headed to the box?” She always called the warehouse the box and rightfully so.

“Actually I am, my Dad needs some supplies so I’m the lucky one to go” I answered as I took some of her bundle. Looking at the things I grabbed from Em I realized that I was holding summer blankets, “Breaking out the warmer sleeping gear?”

“Yeah, my mom was complaining about the cold this morning so before anything I was told to switch them up” Em replied, more of her was now visible that I was carrying half of her bundle, she was wearing a pair of jeans, a pink sweater and a black jacket, the effect was simple but very nice. It made her look a bit older than her seventeen years but that was ok, she always had the air of maturity and wisdom about her, it was one of the things I liked about her.
“So we’re still on for later today?” I asked a bit nervously, chores and tasks tended to delay things especially when it started to get colder.

We reached the warehouse door by this point so I grabbed the door handle and swung it open before I could get an answer and held the door for her. I got this coy smile as Em walked in with a slightly raised eyebrow not stopping she headed straight for their locker. Her brown hair hung just past her shoulders and bounced slightly as she walked a bit quicker than normal making sure to sway her hips a bit in the process. It was just enough to get my attention in the faded light inside the building.

I quickly let go of the door and quickly followed her inside, she turned the corner to their storage locker and I heard the lock being opened. Turning the corner there was Em, looking right at me with that same coy smile, “What do you think? If course we’re still on for tonight” She took the bundle from me throwing it inside then kissed me, “And that’s just a taste for later, now go before you distract me too much”

Continued from: August 7 - Part I
Story: The Longest Winter

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